Have you got all your answers?
Click on the tiles to learn more
- Do you know how AI can be turned to your strategic advantage?
- Where will you start applying AI within your business next?
- How will you to transform into an AI-powered organization?
- So, what is your 100-day plan?
AI for Business - "the Why"
AI as a core driver of competitive advantage
Smarter and faster decisions at scale
So, how will AI transform your business model and how will you turn it to your advantage?
- Pinpointing sources of disruption to your business as your industry is adopting AI capabilities and AI-driven decision workflows
- Identifying ways AI can support and enhance your specific strategic objectives and transformation agenda
- Selecting the right AI use cases to focus on given your current state and strategic ambitions
- Building trust in and knowledge of business AI applications for your senior executives and middle management
- Designing, validating and refining your AI roadmap
AI Use Cases - "the Where"
Most companies report measurable benefits from AI where it has been deployed – based on McKinsey’s Global AI Survey.
“Adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to increase, and the technology is generating returns. The findings of the latest McKinsey Global Survey on the subject show a nearly 25 percent year-over-year increase in the use of AI in standard business processes, with a sizable jump from the past year in companies using AI across multiple areas of their business. A majority of executives whose companies have adopted AI report that it has provided an uptick in revenue in the business areas where it is used, and 44 percent say AI has reduced costs.”
Identify AI application areas within your business unit...
Industry-specific application areas
Function-specific application areas
So, where should you apply AI in your business next?
- Selecting the right AI use case(s) based on strategic fit, value-add potential and implementation feasibility
- Proving the business value of your AI use case by building your first ML models with / for You
- Co-designing the right deployment approach of ML model outputs in your day-to-day operations and decision processes
- Setting relevant performance metrics, adequate business targets and running ex-post impact measurement
- Communicating the results and building conviction across the organization
AI Journey - "the How"
Gartner defines five levels of AI maturity from awareness to transformation.
Where is Your Organization in the AI journey?
The handoff for AI projects is not very clear, projects need to go back and forth for production and tuning. Deployment is slow and inconsistent.
Senior executives lack a basic understanding of AI, with little commitment and sponsorship to push the AI agenda.
AI is considered as a plug-and-play technology with immediate returns, but years pass without bringing the big wins executives expected.
The company struggles to move from pilots to companywide programs and from incremental improvements to big business challenges.
AI projects are scattered, without a consistent methodology and corporate-wide coordination. Accountabilities and success KPIs are vague.
There is strong resistance from the organization to adopt AI, progress is hampared by culture, inconsistent incentives and siloed operation.
The AI agenda is led by the IT and Analytics teams, while the Business has little buy-in and ownership to drive results.